Note: this was copied from my GitHub. The original is here.

I wrote a completely frontend webapp in ClojureScript that parses and evaluates expressions from a domain-specific language. This is the result of reverse-engineering an anti-automation measure on my friend’s Discord bot.

This was my first foray into Clojure and I’m very happy with the results. I found many high quality libraries, and the language felt very natural for my use case.


A friend of mine had a Discord bot that simulated a cryptocurrency-like economy called Bonklebuck. In it’s early stages, it used simple math problems as the “proof of work”, written in english with intentional spelling mistakes to prevent automated solving. Except it didn’t, and this repo contains a solver.

Eventually they were replaced with captchas and the solver became useless 🥲


I used ClojureScript for this project because I’d mostly been watching this technology from afar before this and I wanted to get my hands dirty with it.

There are a few core libraries that made this work:


A React wrapper for ClojureScript. Instead of using hooks, you use reactive atoms that trigger a re-render when mutated. HTML is represented as a DSL using vectors, so your components can be composed like functions. Overall, it’s a very similar experience to React but without the hooks.


A parser generator, this library is incredible. You write a grammar and it produces an AST (again, using a vector DSL). Since the AST is just regular Clojure data, I can pass it into a recursive evaluator and get a result super easily. Also the grammar language is very rich and easy to understand.


The core of the application is simple. There are pieces of global state: input and output, which both contain some text from fields on a form. The solve function simply reads in the text, parses it into an AST, evaluates the AST to a solution, rounds the number, and formats it as a string. This result is then stored in output, which triggers a rerender and is displayed on the page.

(defonce input (r/atom ""))
(defonce output (r/atom ""))

(defn solve []
  (reset! output (-> @input

The UI is very simple thanks to the HTML DSL that Reagent uses. The relevant components read input, display output, and call the solve function.

(defn inputarea []
  [:textarea {:value @input
              :placeholder "Please enter the bonkle problem here."
              :on-change #(reset! input (-> % .-target .-value))}])

(defn outputarea []
  [:textarea {:value @output
              :readOnly true
              :placeholder "Enter a problem above to get the solution."}])

(defn button []
  [:button {:on-click #(solve)}

The bonkle-parser function is generated using Instaparse’s defparser macro, with the parsing grammar passed in as a string argument. defparser evaluates on compile time so any errors in the grammar will fail compilation, which is a good thing!

(defparser bonkle-parser "
solution = w? <'What is'> w total w <'rounded to 2 decimal places?'> w?
<w> = <#'\\s+'>

total = expr1

<expr1> = addExpr | subExpr | expr2
addExpr = expr1 <add> expr1
subExpr = expr1 <sub> expr1

<expr2> = mulExpr | divExpr | amount
mulExpr = expr2 <mul> expr2
divExpr = expr2 <div> expr2

add = w <'+'> w
sub = w <'-'> w
mul = w <'*'> w
div = w <'/'> w

... SNIP ...")

The eval-bonkle function is a recursive evaluator that recurses down the AST, first constructing numbers from their word representation, then evaluating the math expressions on those numbers (order of operations is handled in the parser, so the evaluator is very simple).

(defn eval-bonkle [ast]
  (if-not (vector? ast)
    (case (ast 0)
      :solution (eval-bonkle (ast 1))
      :total (eval-bonkle (ast 1))

      :addExpr (+ (eval-bonkle (ast 1)) (eval-bonkle (ast 2)))
      :subExpr (- (eval-bonkle (ast 1)) (eval-bonkle (ast 2)))
      :mulExpr (* (eval-bonkle (ast 1)) (eval-bonkle (ast 2)))
      :divExpr (/ (eval-bonkle (ast 1)) (eval-bonkle (ast 2)))
      ;; ... SNIP ...

And there you have it! Now you too can automate parsing and evaluate arbitrary languages that are only supposed to be read by humans!

The source is only 233 lines and, in my opinion, highly readable, so please check it out if you found this interesting!